Walid Aljoby

Walid Aljoby

Ph.D. and Research Fellow (2015-2021)

Walid Aljoby received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2020. After his Ph.D., he was a Research Fellow with the NUS-Singtel Corporate Lab, and an adjunct postdoctoral researcher with Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC), University of Illinois. His research interests are broadly in networking and systems. During his Ph.D., he was advised by Prof. Richard T. B. Ma.

  • Distributed Systems
  • Programmable Networks
  • Cloud Networking
  • Network Security
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2020

    National University of Singapore

  • M.Sc in Computer Engineering, 2013

    Jordan University of Science and Technology

  • B.Sc in Computer Information Systems, 2009

    Hashemite University
